Learn about why counting race for Latino(a,e,x)s/Hispanics matters!
Read the recent report our friends at the UCLA Latino Politics and Policy Institute released entitled "Latino is Not a Race: Understanding Lived Experiences Through Street Race," it underscores the impact of various issues and the need for improved data collection methods especially because the Census is essential for equitable distribution of federal and state resources. The title of this report also shouts out the work we have done as a nascent coalition! Our campaign, launched in February 2023, was always a collective effort which seeks to highlight the fact that ‘Latino’ is an ethnicity, not a race, and to elevate AfroLatine representation. Read the report!
Watch our most recent webinar “Improving the Latino Count”
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has just released proposed changes that would make Hispanic ethnicity and race analytically equivalent.
They will have only one question: What is your race or ethnicity? How will we know if we have eliminated discrimination based on race/street race if we combine Hispanic ethnicity and race into one question!
Why this matters?
For decades OMB standards stipulate that federal agencies collect data in two SEPARATE questions, one on Hispanic ethnicity, and one on race. If we do not organize, mobilize and make our voices heard before the April 27, 2023, deadline for comments, the proposed standards will dramatically change how federal, state, and local agencies ask about race and ethnicity.